October 2017 | Publications
Trade Fair Design Annual 2017/18
20 years of the Trade Fair Design Annual! This anniversary edition has got the lot: more trade fair stands, more pages, more trends. And an interview on the future of trade fairs.
Current brand communication is advancing increasingly towards a combined digital and face-to-face approach to narrative. The trend for storytelling plays a significant role in this, but so does the manner of communication in times of complete digitalisation. At trade fairs in particular, one-to-one conversions are still proving to be an important factor when it comes to brand presentation.
In this edition of the Trade Fair Design Annual, the authors showcase some examples of successful transmedia storytelling. They emphasise the importance of using one’s chosen communication channels intelligently, and, in particular, ensuring that the overall presentation of the brand image is perfect. In turn, the brand image can become both a communicative – and thus informative – element of added value for the exhibitor, and an emotional experience for visitors.
Visitors will also be able to see one of Monoplan’s projects, with the motto “Elegant Coolness”. The project involved the successful design of a trade fair stand for Liebherr Hausgeräte GmbH in the context of IMM Cologne 2017.
Source: www.avedition.de
Link: www.avedition.de/de/messedesign-jahrbuch-2017-18.html