March 2019 | Events, Trade fair
Monoplan at MIPIM 2019
For yet another year, Monoplan was a partner at the stand of Swiss Circle at MIPIM in Cannes. Daniel Schneider was able to contribute to the stand brochure of Swiss Circle with a short interview. Monoplan was delighted to see some familiar faces from the industry, and to have had the opportunity to make new contacts at MIPIM 2019. www.swisscircle
“At MIPIM, you get a good indication of the current situation in the industry and the sentiment.”
Daniel Schneider, Monoplan
According to Daniel Schneider (qualified architect, Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) and co-founder of Monoplan), the French trade fair is “significantly more global and more international” than its German counterpart in Munich. He explains that EXPO REAL – which takes place every year in October – is most important in terms of the German property market in particular. “For the Swiss property market, MIPIM is the more relevant event. It represents both German-speaking Switzerland and Western Switzerland,” explains Daniel. He says you are also more likely to encounter the global trends and players in Cannes. “Given that MIPIM takes place in March, you get a good indication of the current situation in the industry and the sentiment.” He explains that conducting personal conversations and maintaining client relationships in particular are a main focus for him and his business partner in Cannes. “Even just getting an overall impression of what is currently happening, how, where and when, and what the movements of other markets or players are like, and what is currently in the spotlight; for me this is a decisive impetus for attending MIPIM,” reasons Daniel Schneider. This year, it will be interesting to see whether the sentiment changes and which new trends emerge.